Frequently asked questions.

Where is the market?

The market operates both inside Ferndale Hall and out on the lawn. The registered address is: 291 Frankley Rd but this entry is alleyway access only. The main driveway and carpark is at the end of the cul-de-sac on Barry St. There is also an alleyway on the left side of the cul-de-sac on Clyde St.

What dates are the markets on?

We’re on the last SUNDAY of every month starting in February through to November. We will have the odd special event in between so please keep an eye on instagram or Facebook for updates.

How do I book a stall?

Please visit this link which will direct you to our application forms. All booking, market and fees info can be found via the application forms.

How much is a stall?

Prices vary depending on if you want to be a general stallholder or a food vendor. Indoor table spaces are $40 (table provided) Outdoor 3x3 spaces are $50. For a list of all prices, sizes and info visit the application forms here.

Are tables provided for stallholders?

If you’re booking outside, no. You will need to bring your own shelter/tables/gear. If you book inside you will have the option to book a table space (table provided) or a larger space which DOESN’T come with a table. Large indoor spaces can hire Tables for $10 please enquire at least 1 week before the event as tables are limited.

Is the market secondhand only or do you have craft stalls too?

The Pickers Market is a curation of BOTH secondhand AND craft. We cater to local preloved collectors with excess treasures that need re-homing and budding creatives to show off their talents.

Do you have clothing racks to hire?

Yes! We have clothing racks available to hire for $15 each, so if you need to clear out your wardrobe come sell with us! Please note you will need to supply your own coat hangers.

What if it’s raining?

The market is on rain or shine. In the unlikely event that the market is cancelled we will notify on our Instagram and Facebook.

Do stallholders have Eftpos?

CASH IS KING, please make sure to bring cash if you are wanting to make a purchase as only a small amount of stalls will have bank transfer and a very minor few will have eftpos. There is no cash out on site and the nearest dairy is 1KM away.

Are dogs allowed?

Yes, dogs are allowed outside. But please do not bring them inside the hall unless they are a service animal.

I’ve borrowed a mug for my coffee, can I take my mug/coffee home with me?

We operate a zero-waste system at market: borrow a plate/mug for food, return it to be washed or take it home and leave a gold coin to help us replace it.

Is the market family friendly?

Yes! We have something for all ages, as well as a playground and when the weather is nice we have lawn games and a picnic area. We provide these extra touches with the trust that kids will be supervised and items won’t get stolen or damaged. Thanks!

Is there mobility parking/access?

If you need accessibility parking please come to the main car park on Barry St where there is a section of car park dedicated to accessibility parking and a 5 min drop-off point. To enter the hall please follow the path around the

Where can I park my bike?

Unfortunately there is no dedicated bicycle parking on site but there are fences surrounding the property and a ramp at the back of the hall that bicycles can be locked to, if you need any assistance please ask a volunteer in pink high vis. Motorbikes are also welcome to enter the main car park on Barry St and park by the yellow flower garden/hall side of the car park -please do not park on the footpath or grass.

Are there public transport options?

There are no buses operating on a Sunday.

Got another question? You can contact us here.